If the designer handbags of today are starting to all look the same to you, and you are concerned about recycling, then I suggest you look into license plate purses.
They are a great option for those who want a designer purse with an individual flair.
Combining eco-friendly options with designer quality is at the root of this accessory. There is a company that specializes in the license plate purse called Littlearth.
Just at the name suggests, the company embraces green options and helping the earth in a little way, with a little product. However, don’t think of this as little at all. These handbags make a big statement; they are beautiful little works of art.
More than 40,000 license plates are recycled by Littlearth to make these unique purses. Since they are made from license plates, there is a custom, personalized aspect to owning one of these handbags. This really takes the reasons to own a designer handbag to a new level.
(From e-bay)
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